Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just kidding

So we're NOT having a baby tomorrow... apparently because my fluid levels are back in the normal range and the placenta/umbilical cord is working properly the doctors decided to postpone the c- section. Because it's not a medical necessity to deliver this baby now, it would be considered an "elective" c-section at this point and you aren't allowed to do "elective" c-sections prior to 39 weeks. So we are rescheduled for 4/14. Crazy huh? Well at least we're now 99% ready for this baby to come!

I did get hooked up to the fetal monitor again at my appointment today and while I was hooked up I had a contraction that I actually felt- and boy did it feel weird. During the contraction the baby's heart rate dropped significantly and had trouble rebounding. All this during our discussion about postponing the c-section! So the doctor sent us to labor and delivery to hook up to the fetal monitors there and see if it happened again. S and I headed over to the hospital where I had to check in and go to l&d. I was hooked up for about 1.5 hours while they monitored me for contractions and the baby's heart. I had a few more, but the baby reacted normally to those- no weird drops in heart rate. At that point my doctor said it was fine for me to go home. So after about 2 hours in the hospital after our 45 min doctor's appt we finally came home to find that apparently someone needed to be home to SIGN for the damn mattress! The note I left to the Fed Ex guy with my signature on it was not valid enough for him/her to just leave the mattress. Hopefully they'll deliver it tomorrow while I'm at home and we can be totally done with the nursery.

Poor S thought yesterday was his last day at work for 2 weeks, and now he has to go back in tomorrow, Friday and Monday! Poor guy. If he didn't go back for these 3 days though it would come out of his paternity leave and he'd have less time to spend with the baby once she's born. So he'll just have to suck it up for the next few days.

I'm kind of annoyed at this whole turn of events- I feel like both S and I were emotionally prepared to have this baby. And now we have to wait- again! I have another doctor's appointment on Friday- it was already scheduled prior to the c/s getting moved up, so the doctor I saw today told me to keep it. Who knows what will happen at this one! While I'm glad that her heart rate and her movement are good and that they're aren't any obvious problems with the placenta and umbilical cord I do still worry about her size. I saw on my chart that it said I have iugr- intrauterine growth restriction. Basically for a variety of reasons- some horrible, some not so horrible- the baby isn't as big as she should be. I need to stay off the internet, but I just feel like I don't know ANYTHING about what's going on and I need some answers. Maybe I can get some on Friday.


  1. Stay off the internet!! Two good friends' babies had IUGR. They are the cutest babies ever and are walking and talking and causing trouble!!! You guys are in my thoughts!!

  2. YES, stay off the internet! That must be so frustrating to be ready, then not, then sitting in L&D...what a long day. If it helps, we've had a few friends with babies with IUGR, too, and they are all healthy and happy...although I know it is still scary when it's you and your baby. You're in our prayers...and yes, I realize this is a mirror of Tammy's note but I can't think of anything original to say :) LOL!

  3. thanks tammy and rachel- good to hear that iugr babies turn out fine.... the internet is a bad bad place :(

  4. Seriously Em - the internet and google are bad when conducting "medical" research about yourself - but add in the crazies who are talking about babies and things they know nothing about - and it's infintely worse. Keep watching bad 80's TV re-runs and rest up. I'll check in again over the weekend when I'm stuck at the Connecticut compound. In the interim, I'm going to think good thoughts and desperately try to guess her name!! I swear there are no names left to guess :) xo

  5. Hey - how did the appointment go? How are you doing?

  6. I'm thinking about you guys! Just think, this is a little extra cooking time so she can come out perfect. This also gives you time to reconsider her name and change it to Christine #2. Tons of hugs!
