Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Exhaustion and burping

What I wouldn't give for 8 or 6 or even 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep! (well obviously I wouldn't give up the babe, but you know what I mean). I know people always say to get sleep while you can- before the baby comes, but until you experience it, you just don't get it. At least I didn't. And honestly sleeping pre-baby wouldn't have helped anyway. So I guess I'll just be sleep deprived for the next .... umm I don't know how long- until it's ok to let H sleep through the night. She is actually a really good sleeper, and I know if I let her I could get a good 4 hour nap in if I needed too, but she's still too young and too little for that. I'm hoping that she'll be back up to her birthweight when we go to the drs tomorrow and that I can start pumping soon so S can give her a bottle now and then to let me get a little more sleep.

We spent 2+ hrs at the orthopedist today to get her frog leg looked at. The leg actually looks totally normal now- her left foot still doesn't straighten on its own though. Poor girl had to have x-rays of her leg, ankle and hip- and she hated it :( But the good news is that her "condition" is totally positional and will fix itself over the coming months. There's no bowing of her leg bones- which can sometimes happen, so that's good too. The one thing we will have to continue monitoring is her left hip b/c apparently breech babies can develop hip dysplasia. So she'll have to go back in 3 1/2 months to check her hip again. Hopefully nothing will develop with her hip. Considering I was breech as well and my hips are perfectly fine, I think H will be ok.

Things I suck at- burping the baby. Who knew it would be so difficult? For some reason I can never get her to burp after I feed her- but as soon as S touches her she belches- it's so frustrating. I know that when I don't get a burp out of her and I keep feeding her she ends up spitting up and then all that feeding was for nothing. So I end up spending a good chunk of her feeding time trying to get her to burp- and it sucks. I've tried the sitting on my knee position, the against the shoulder position and the over the shoulder position- none of them with great success.... so if anyone has any miracle burp position, please share with me! It would make feeding her go so much faster.

Off to catch a quick snooze before I have to feed her again- I feel like a cow :(

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Here are some pics to tide you over since my time to write is so limited... Enjoy!

Getting ready to go on a walk with Daddy!

Ready for a bath!

Nevermind- baths are no fun:(

All clean!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome to the world little one!

I'm not pregnant anymore- yippee! Having no belly again is really really weird, as is having a baby ;)

Birth story- just in case you want to know how the c/s went... it's really long.

We went into the hospital at 3 on Tuesday for the scheduled c/s (she was breech and I had late onset IUGR). I think I was sort of in shock all day Tuesday - it was hard to wrap my head around the idea that at an exact time we would have a baby. The nurses in l&d were great - so supportive and helpful. I got hooked up to the fetal monitor and had an iv placed when I arrived. So S and I were in l&d for about an hour and a half doing prep for the c/s- getting me hydrated etc. They wheeled me into the OR around 5. The anesthesiologist was awesome- she talked to me the whole time she was putting the epidural in and yeah, it was not the most comfortable experience, but it wasn't painful. She and the nurses kept my mind off what was happening even though they still informed me of what they were doing. Once the epi was in I was strapped down on the table and they brought S into the room. The epi worked really quickly and before I knew it they had started. The anesthesiologist stayed by my head and she and S sort of gave me a play by play during the operation.

I was so worried that the epi wouldn't work and I would feel the incision- of course that didn't happen! The only thing I felt during the entire thing was when the 2nd dr in the room had to "jump" on me to push the baby down to the incision- that was the worst part of the actual operation b/c I could feel that. It didn't necessarily hurt, it was just really, really uncomfortable. The best part was when they finally pulled her out and I heard her crying. It was so surreal- hearing that cry for the first time! Of course I started crying once I heard her crying- that was what made it real. So Holly Emma was born on Tuesday and weighed 6lbs 14 oz- she's such a tiny thing! She also had the cord wrapped around her neck and shoulders, and would probably have had to come out via c/s anyway even if she hadn't been breech.

The only bummer from the experience is that b/c she was breech and apparently in a funky position inside me, one of her legs was bent awkwardly in utero. So when she came out her left leg was all crooked and looked like a frog leg. Her leg was awkwardly crooked and her left foot was at an incredibly awkward angle. Of course I picked up on that immediately and started freaking out on the table. I feel so horrible b/c the first few hours of recovery all I could think about was the leg and what if it was some kind of physical deformity that couldn't be fixed, etc. I thought the worst and instead of being thrilled to have a beautiful healthy baby, I was so fixated on her physical appearance and abilities. Her leg has gotten a lot better- it looks 80% normal now. We had an orthopedist come in and check her out and although he wasn't a peds orthopedist he thinks that the issue is purely positional- meaning that her leg is the way it is b/c of the way she was positioned in utero as opposed to a deformity in bone growth, etc. We are meeting with a peds orthopedic surgeon in 2 weeks to see if we just wait for the leg to fix itself or if we need to do a brace. But all the peds who've looked at her so far are confident that it's just a positional issue that will right itself. So I'm finally calming down about that!

I'm so glad to be home from the hospital- it was a long 4 days. It took me 24 hrs to finally get enough feeling back in my legs to be able to move. Getting the catheter out and walking for the first time was horrible. At that point I swore I'd never have another child again- knowing I'd most likely have to endure another c/s again! But as the days have progressed I've started feeling better. Today is the first day that I've been able to move a lot without writhing in pain. It's so good to be back home and not have nurses busting into the room every 2-3 hrs.

Aside from some normal baby blues type feelings, things have been going pretty well. Breast feeding seems to be hit or miss. My milk has definitely come in and my boobs are enormous. But Holly and I definitely need to sort out this whole latching thing- sometimes it feels like her tongue and mouth are covered in tiny little pins- all poking into my nipple at the same time. And other times it just feels like a gentle sucking. The lactation consultants were hit or miss at the hospital. When we take Holly to her ped next week I also have a meeting with one of the lcs there so hopefully I can get some more advice. I know it's still so early in this process and that it takes mom and baby time to learn how to do this, but given how painful it can be I want to know everything I can to help fix things sooner rather than later. Although I may feel totally different about this tomorrow if things are horrible tonight :(

In addition to Holly coming home today she also met her furry siblings. The dogs have been really good with her so far. Chance has been amazing! He sits in the room with me when I nurse and is so attentive to her noises. Natty of course wanted to lick her all over when they met. Natty has been kind of distant from me since we got home, I think she thinks I've replaced her :(

I'm hoping tonight won't be too bad-we had one really awful night in the hospital where Holly could just not be consoled. I felt like I was feeding her every hour - I don't think S and I slept more than an hour that night. Since that night, things have been better. I even managed to get about 6 hours of sleep- broken into 2 hour increments- last night.

I know I have so much more to write, so I'll save that for later posts- and I'll try to put up some pics tomorrow.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Still on for Tuesday

Barring serious real contractions and/or decreased baby movement over the weekend, we're still scheduled for Tuesday. Her heart rate looked good on the monitor so I guess things are still good.

The crib mattress finally came yesterday at 7 pm- after I had been waiting for it ALL DAY! So the nursery is finally done. Now all we really need is baby!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just kidding

So we're NOT having a baby tomorrow... apparently because my fluid levels are back in the normal range and the placenta/umbilical cord is working properly the doctors decided to postpone the c- section. Because it's not a medical necessity to deliver this baby now, it would be considered an "elective" c-section at this point and you aren't allowed to do "elective" c-sections prior to 39 weeks. So we are rescheduled for 4/14. Crazy huh? Well at least we're now 99% ready for this baby to come!

I did get hooked up to the fetal monitor again at my appointment today and while I was hooked up I had a contraction that I actually felt- and boy did it feel weird. During the contraction the baby's heart rate dropped significantly and had trouble rebounding. All this during our discussion about postponing the c-section! So the doctor sent us to labor and delivery to hook up to the fetal monitors there and see if it happened again. S and I headed over to the hospital where I had to check in and go to l&d. I was hooked up for about 1.5 hours while they monitored me for contractions and the baby's heart. I had a few more, but the baby reacted normally to those- no weird drops in heart rate. At that point my doctor said it was fine for me to go home. So after about 2 hours in the hospital after our 45 min doctor's appt we finally came home to find that apparently someone needed to be home to SIGN for the damn mattress! The note I left to the Fed Ex guy with my signature on it was not valid enough for him/her to just leave the mattress. Hopefully they'll deliver it tomorrow while I'm at home and we can be totally done with the nursery.

Poor S thought yesterday was his last day at work for 2 weeks, and now he has to go back in tomorrow, Friday and Monday! Poor guy. If he didn't go back for these 3 days though it would come out of his paternity leave and he'd have less time to spend with the baby once she's born. So he'll just have to suck it up for the next few days.

I'm kind of annoyed at this whole turn of events- I feel like both S and I were emotionally prepared to have this baby. And now we have to wait- again! I have another doctor's appointment on Friday- it was already scheduled prior to the c/s getting moved up, so the doctor I saw today told me to keep it. Who knows what will happen at this one! While I'm glad that her heart rate and her movement are good and that they're aren't any obvious problems with the placenta and umbilical cord I do still worry about her size. I saw on my chart that it said I have iugr- intrauterine growth restriction. Basically for a variety of reasons- some horrible, some not so horrible- the baby isn't as big as she should be. I need to stay off the internet, but I just feel like I don't know ANYTHING about what's going on and I need some answers. Maybe I can get some on Friday.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I feel like I'm playing hookie today. I should be at school right now teaching math... instead I am on bed rest and am watching Saved by the Bell- it's one of those weird eps that Kelly and Jessi are mysteriously not in. If anyone knows the SBTB back story of where they are in these eps and where motorcycle chick came from, please enlighten me.

3 days left... my mom and sister went out this weekend and bought us a ton of stuff we still needed- not essentials but things we'd have to get eventually like the stroller/carseat adapter. We still need our mattress! Stupid store never called me back on Sat and they're not open Sundays. So I'll be calling today to harass them. Thanks for the offer Rachel- we'll use my parent's pack n play for the first few days if it doesn't get here by the time baby comes home from the hospital.

So here's the schedule this week- tomorrow I have another ultrasound- not to measure the baby's weight, but to check the flow of blood from the placenta and make sure that still looks ok. If it doesn't look good I don't know what that will mean- that they'll do an emergency c section? Who knows. I almost would like them to do a weight estimate b/c maybe this time it will show that she's not a mini person, but is closer to a "normal" weight, but the dr said it was pointless to do another one within a week of the last one. Then I have an appt with the Dr on Wednesday. I'm assuming to hook me up to the fetal monitor again, but I'm not sure. It sounds like it will be a quick appointment. Then I have to pop into the hospital to get my blood drawn for the surgery on Thursday. Wednesday is going to be a long day...

We go into the hospital at 7 am on Thursday. They'll hook me up to an iv to get me rehydrated since I'm not allowed to eat/drink after midnight on Wednesday. Surgery is scheduled for 9/9:30 on Thursday- so if you happen to think of me and S at 9 on Thursday morning please send us good baby thoughts!

Then if all goes well we'll be home on Sunday- or at least the baby and I will. S is planning on coming home at some point during the 4 days I'm in the hospital to get some sleep and rest up. I hate that I'll have such limited mobility once the baby comes home :(

I'm sure I'll post again before the surgery with appointment updates.

Friday, April 3, 2009

ummm I'm not ready

I had an ultrasound on Wednesday to see how the baby is growing and check on her position... well, she's small. Apparently she's measuring 1.5-3 weeks smaller than where she should be given I'm 37.5 weeks. So that's not great news. I guess the good news is that they also looked at the circulation between the baby and placenta and that looks good- but for some reason she's just not getting enough nutrition from the placenta. So b/c of her size and the fact that she's not growing as she should be, the c-section has been moved up from 4/18 to 4/9- yes, that's right, next Thursday. The dr doesn't think things will progress to week 40 and he just wants her to get to 38 weeks so that her lungs will have a better chance of being mature.

They also had me hooked up to the fetal monitor to check her heart rate and to see if I was having contractions. She had a couple of dips in her heart rate, but nothing bad. And apparently I was having contractions, although I couldn't feel them. I guess there was nothing too concerning going on or I would have been admitted right then and there!

And I've been put on bed rest- not complete, but partial- whatever that means. So I thought I had next week to prepare for being gone for the rest of the school year, um nope. Good thing I brought my things home with me before break- just in case. So I guess I'll be pulling some things together from home and emailing them to my poor sub. I hope she doesn't have a heart attack when she finds out she's on her own on Monday. People were teasing me before break about not coming back- I guess they were right!

I think I'm in shock about how quickly things are moving. Mostly I'm just concerned for the baby. I hate that things aren't right with her and that for some reason she's not growing as she should be. Maybe the ultrasound measurements are just really off and we'll have had a big scare for nothing. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

S is kind of freaking out. I don't think he knows what to do! Plus we still have a bunch of things to get for the baby- currently she has no mattress! So we'll see how much we can get done this weekend.

Please send good thoughts to the baby to keep her growing!